Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ozone layer depletion

Ozone layer depletion means the process in which the ozone layer becomes thinner and thinner slowly and gradually and finally hole is found over there. This process of depletion of ozone layer is due to more accumulation of CFC(Chloro-Fluoro Carbon) gas in the upper atmosphere that comes from the smokes that is ejected out by industries, factories as well as smokes that comes from cigarettes.When the factories or other materials eject out CFC then these gases go  in outer atmosphere and then they react with the ozone(3O) and then it deplete it.
When this ozone depletes then the outer atmosphere becomes thinner and thinner and finally there forms a hole through which the ultra-violet rays enter inside and then these rays affect in all kinds of habitations found in that specific place.
Until now the ozone hole has been discovered or found in only one place i.e somewhere above Pacific ocean. So this kinds of overuse of materials that use CFC must be stopped for saving all our mankind as well as all the living beings present in this world.

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