Friday, June 1, 2012

Carrying capacity

Carrying capacity means the capacity of our earth to carry our load. The capacity of being fertile and the capacity which enables us to stand on where we are standing. As the population has been increasing the carrying capacity of the earth has decreased.
As the carrying capacity of earth has decreased the people living in earth are in great danger because as the carrying capacity of earth decreases then the fertility of soil also decreases which ultimately results in the shortage of food which directly affects in the livelihood of human beings.
Moreover as the carrying capacity decreases the tectonic plates also gets effected so there may be more chances of earthquakes in the world.
When population increases more deforestation takes place and this is the biggest cause of the depletion of the environment.

The degrading environment

As modernization has kept its foot all over the world, pollution has grown excessively. As this pollution has been growing excessively and rapidly the condition of the environment has started becoming bad day by day.
As a proof we can see the present situation in which there is a sudden and drastic change in the temp. or the climate of the world. Due to this drastic change more kinds of obstacles are coming in our path like natural calamities.
No thing is taking place in time. i.e rainfall is irregular which means sometimes there is big rainfall whereas sometimes there is no rainfall. This has directly affected in our world and our surrounding as well.

So the environment is degrading which must be prevented from happening by we(people) in order to guarantee the safety of ours from the wrath of the environment.

The current situation of environment

As the population is growing on rapidly the current situation of environment is going down and down. Due to this reason the vegetations are dying on some parts and in some parts people are in the stage of dying due to very unadaptable temperature or climatic change.
Talking about the Asian country like Nepal the rainfall hasn't taken place more many days. The temp. has grown excessively and in the sunny season no rainfall due to which they are facing the problem of scarcity of water.
Talking about the temp. it has excessively increased and it has reaches to more than 30 degree celcius. In the capital city Kathmandu the temp. used to be below 32 or 34 in the previous years but now it has suddenly grown to about 40 degree celcius in this year.
So like Nepal most of the places of the world are having similar kinds of problems.So it must be checked as soon as possible to stop any kinds of bad things to happen in our world.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Components of environment

Environment consists of all the things that are present in our world. It mainly comprises the two components i.e living and non-living beings.
Living beings: - It constitute all those things that has got movement or that shows respiration process. We all are living beings since we show respiratory process.
Non-living beings: - It constitute all those materials that have got no locomotory character and those that doesn't breathe. All the materials or appliances that we are using today are non-living beings.
Further more inside living being it comprises animals and plants. Plants are those that has no locomotion but take in air for different life processes. But animals show locomotion as well as they take in air for breathing and breaking down of the necessary components that is required for our body to do certain works.
Animals further comprises of herbivores , carnivores and omnivores. Herbivores are those which take in vegetation i.e plants only. Eg : - Deer ,cow, buffalo, goat, etc.
Carnivores are those which eat flesh only . Eg: - Tiger, Vulture, Beer, Lion , etc.
Omnivores are those which eat both flesh as well as plants or vegetations. Eg : - cat,dog.
There is a great dispute that humans are omnivores or not but the fact is humans are only carnivores since they don't eat whatever they get.
So this environment is vast and comprises of all the things that we are seeing and those things that can't be seen by our eyes.  

Causes of Environment Depletion

Environment is the place which has given us our life as we all live in this environment and conduct all our activities in this environment. As the population has been increasing the environment has started depleting in great rate. There are many causes of environmental depletion like pollution, deforestation, overcoming the carrying capacity of earth, etc.
Pollution : - The process of degrading the quality and quantity of the resources and the environmental components like soil, air, water, etc. is called pollution. The pollution has degraded our environment in many ways like ozone hole, Global warming, etc. 
Deforestation : - The process of random cutting down of trees for our needs or the requirement is called deforestation. Due to deforestation the land has become less fertile and drought is caused. It is also the main cause of Global warming.
So the main cause of depletion of environment is the activities that are done by humans for our luxury and pleasure. So these activities must be stopped for stopping the depletion of our environment. 

Conservation of environment

Environment is the place where we live in. Our survival is due to our environment which comprises the biosphere. Due to the over population our environment is slowly and gradually depleting. Due to this depletion in the environment many kinds of natural disasters are causing in our world. So for controlling this we must try to control all the activities affecting our environment.
There are many ways to control our adverse affect in our environment. Any one of it is afforestation program.
Afforestation means the process of planting trees so that they fill up the spaces that are cut during deforestation. Due to afforestation the excess carbon dioxide gas is removed from our surrounding which reduces the depletion of ozone layer and global warming.
Another method of conservation of environment is controlling the over use of the materials that cause pollution like plastics(i.e the materials that doesn't decay on the environment). For this we must leave our luxurious life if it affect in our environment.
So conservation of environment is very essential for keeping our life alive for longer period of time.

Natural Disaster

Natural disasters are those which are causes by degradation in the quality of the present environment. Natural disasters can also be taken as the anger of our nature towards our activities that we do for our survival by affecting the environment.
With the starting of 21st century the facilities that are provided to people has improved resulting in the rapid population growth which has directly affected in the environment. Deforestation,pollution is the best example of this.When these types of environment degrading factors increases rapidly disasters flood, earthquakes, etc.
Flood means the process in which a big volume of water cuts it way outside it way into the habitat of plants or animals. It is caused due to Global Warming. When temp. increases then more amount of ice melts in the mountains which ultimately comes down in the form of flood.
Moreover when pollution increases there will be scarcity of water which brings terrible condition to our life.
So natural disasters are those natural ways of showing the anger of our nature towards us which can't be stopped.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


The process of random cutting down of trees for our use is known as deforestation. Deforestation has been the major cause of our life to be in great danger as this deforestation brings about many types of calamities in our world.
As the world is advancing in the new ages the health sector has become more and more better day by day so due to this reason the Mortality rate has decreased whereas the Birth rate has been increasing continuously. As the Population has increased the forests has randomly been cut down so the forest area has decreased continuously and in a great rate.
As per the report the forest covered most of the part of the land area i.e more than 50-60% but now the total forest are is very less in our whole world. This proves the alarming rate of decrease in the forest land in our world.
Main cause of decrease in the forest area is cultivation as well. As the population has increased  continuously more food is required so more cultivation must be done.
So the main way to stop deforestation is to decrease in birth rate and this must be done as soon as possible else we may be in great danger where we may not be able to  survive.

Natural resources

The resources or materials that are provided to all the living beings itself by nature is known as natural resources. These resources are given in certain amount. These resources are given to us by our nature itself so that we can handle our life in a proper and managed way.
Natural resources are of two types: 1. Renewable and  2. Non- Renewable
1. Renewable: - The resources that are renewed after a certain period of time is called renewable natural resource. These resource never gets exhausted but it becomes lesser and lesser when overused. But after certain decades it again becomes recycled when its use is decreased or stopped.
2. Non-Renewable : - The resources that can't be renewed after it exhaustion is called non-renewable natural natural resource. When it is overused and when its source is exhausted then it doesn't becomes recycled back so that we can reuse it.
So natural resources are the resources that is provided to us by our environment which must be properly used by us for our life to last long.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ozone layer depletion

Ozone layer depletion means the process in which the ozone layer becomes thinner and thinner slowly and gradually and finally hole is found over there. This process of depletion of ozone layer is due to more accumulation of CFC(Chloro-Fluoro Carbon) gas in the upper atmosphere that comes from the smokes that is ejected out by industries, factories as well as smokes that comes from cigarettes.When the factories or other materials eject out CFC then these gases go  in outer atmosphere and then they react with the ozone(3O) and then it deplete it.
When this ozone depletes then the outer atmosphere becomes thinner and thinner and finally there forms a hole through which the ultra-violet rays enter inside and then these rays affect in all kinds of habitations found in that specific place.
Until now the ozone hole has been discovered or found in only one place i.e somewhere above Pacific ocean. So this kinds of overuse of materials that use CFC must be stopped for saving all our mankind as well as all the living beings present in this world.

Global warming

Global warming means the process in which the temp. of the earth rises up at an incredible (sometimes amazing speed) which directly affect in the livelihood of individual population. global warming is caused when pollution grows. When pollution increases  then the outer atmosphere of earth are covered by the harmful air. When the rays of sun enters inside our earth then these types of gases acts as a mirror which reflects down the rays that try to escape from our earth.
Finally due to these reasons the temperature of earth rises up which results in the natural calamities to cause in our world. Some of the ways that shows that global warming is increasing rapidly in our world is the sudden change in the temperature of our surrounding. that is sometimes very hot whereas sometimes very cold. Constant raining  in winter season and no rainfall in summer season can be taken as a methods to determine the increasing global warming in our world. So global warming has become a great challenge in our present world which must be stopped as soon as possible.


The process of degrading the quality of the available natural resource due to different human or other causes is called pollution. This process starts when any creature lving in this world starts doing unwanted activities on nature like throwing garbages and use of more smoke , etc.
There are many types of pollution among which mainly four to five are major. this list constitute air, land, water and sound pollution. These types of pollutions affect all the places and all the people living in this world. Some of these pollutions are: -
1. Air pollution : - the process of degradation in the quality of air is called air pollution. this pollution is caused by different factors such as big industries which eject lots of smoke. this pollution can be controlled by ban in the old vehicles which produce lots of smoke and the ejection pipes of industries must be raised higher than it is now.
The pollution is vary harmful for our health as it damages our heart and lungs. So this problem is very harmful for everyone as it may cause global warming as well.So we must try to control pollution as fast as possible , else we may be in great danger.